Costings & Enterprise Appraisals

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Over the past decade agriculture has changed significantly over all sectors and this change looks set to continue with the uncertainty over the future of the Single Payment Scheme and the constant pressure towards environmental schemes.

With the vast fluctuation in market prices seen in 2008/09 and the progression away from direct support leaving farmers open to global market pressures there has never been a better time to critically appraise your farm

business. By assessing the performance of individual enterprises you are better able to analyse your

business structure and we can provide your business with detailed and accurate financial planning to help you plan for the future.

Drawing on our broad knowledge of farming systems in the Yorkshire region, we can produce detailed enterprise and whole farm appraisals to help you to critically assess your business, as well as farm budgets and costings with detailed cashflow planning to help you consider:

For further advice and assistance please contact our Knaresborough office 01423 860322.