Grant Schemes

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At Lister Haigh, we offer expert advice and assistance on the range of grant schemes available for rural projects.

We are experienced in advising farmers on the opportunities available through the various agri-environment schemes, such as the Entry Level Stewardship (ELS), Organic Entry Level Scheme (OELS), Uplands Entry Level Stewardship (UELS)and Higher Level Stewardship (HLS). From 2015, the Countryside Stewardship Scheme replaced these for new applicants with a deadline of 30th September for a 1st January start date each year.

We are also able to help you to apply for Woodland Capital Grants. The Water Capital Grant Scheme encourages farmers to reduce the pollution of surface-water caused by farming operations. A capital grant scheme allows for works such as fencing off watercourses and installing new water troughs.

The Farming and Forestry Improvement Scheme provided grants within the five themes of Nutrient Management; Energy Efficency; Water Management; Animal Health & Welfare and Forestry and these alos now come under the new Countryside Stewardship Scheme (CSS).

The re-direction of CAP funds from production towards conservation has generated a number of grants to support a diverse range of conservation activities.

We are experienced in advising on, applying for, and administering the different environmental schemes currently available and offer:

  • Pre-application advice on the suitability of each scheme for your holding
  • An assessment of the impact on the existing business (both economic and practical) and ways to make it fit your requirements
  • Management of the application process including scheme implementation as required

For advice and assistance on available grants please contact Catherine Johnston at our Knaresborough office 01423 860322.

Useful Links

Natural England