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Property is extremely diverse in nature and the valuation implications of the various land uses and the purposes for which valuation is required demand particular understanding.

Our expert team have extensive knowledge and a thorough understanding of the market for different types and styles of property which enables us to value most property types.

We undertake valuations for the following reasons:

  • Taxation
  • Probate
  • Mortgage
  • Sale & Purchase
  • Letting/Rent Review
  • Insurance
  • Compulsory Purchase
  • Stocktaking & End of tenancy claims
  • Easements & Wayleaves
  • Expert Witness
  • Planning and Development
  • Financial Planning
  • Partnership seperations

Our customers now require valuations for an increasingly wide range of activities and purposes. We carry out an inspection of the property for each valuation, this combined with professional knowledge, enables us to provide valuations supported by relevant comparable evidence due to the wide range of properties sold by the company.

Offered in accordance with Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Valuation Standards, valuations identifying market value will be supported by a comprehensive evaluation to look at all aspects of the property and business, to identify other sources of value and to comment on the opportunities and prospects for the future.

To arrange a valuation, or to speak to one of our valuers, please contact any of our offices.