Plans & Mapping

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We can provide a wide range of plans and maps tailored to your requirements. Our plans preparation service is totally dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality plans.

Since the Land Registration Act 2002 came into force, all plans submitted to the Land Registry must now meet the required standard, if your plans do not meet this standard they will be rejected.

We can provide the following plans:-

Title Plans

A Title plan is a drawing which highlights the land owned by the freeholder, it shows details such as building positions areas of special interest and rights of way. A title plan can be segregated into smaller plots (if part of the land where to be sold off) or could be enlarged to include surrounding areas or titles.

Lease Plans

A lease plan is a detailed drawing showing exactly what is included in a lease. It identifies communal areas, parking areas, storage areas or any other area connected to the lease. The plan must comply with the standards laid down by the Land Registry. These requirements have changed in 2003, since then new leases of 7 years or more or existing leases sold with 7 years or more unexpired must be registered. This means that any plan drawn before this time must be updated to become compliant. This is a legal requirement.

Please contact Giles Chaplin at our Knaresborough Office on 01423 860322 for further advice and assistance.