Anyone interested in applying for the Countryside Stewardship Mid-Tier or stand alone Water Capital grants must request an application pack by the 31st May 2018, items requiring CFSO endorsement must also be approved before 31st May. The deadline for submission of the applications in the 30th July 2018. The scheme is proving more popular than previous years, driven in part by the uncertainty over BREXIT and farmers being unsure what schemes will be available post March 2019, the offer of a fixed 5 year scheme brings a level of stability to their business in times of uncertainty. The scheme has also had many of the creases ironed out over recent years with the evidence required being simplified and reduced from that set out in version 1 of the handbook. The scheme works well on mainly arable and mixed farms with pure grassland farmers finding it more difficult to meet the requirements and the returns not as attractive as those under previous schemes. However the list of capital works available tempt many businesses to join. For an initial discussion on the merits of the scheme please contact our Agricultural Team on 01423 860322.