The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) has this week confirmed that as anticipated the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) 2019 window is now open for applications.  As usual claims are to be submitted by Midnight on the 15th May 2019.   DEFRA have confirmed that BPS 2019 will rules and payments will be made on the same basis as they have been in historic years, regardless of when we leave the European Union, and, whether or not any departure has an associated deal in place.  DEFRA has also confirmed that payment will be available in Euros post-Brexit.

There are no major rule changes from last year and 2019 marks the second year of tighter rules surrounding the use of Nitrogen Fixing Crops for greening.  With many now opting to utilise hedgerows towards their greening obligations we are still finding that the RPA maps are largely inaccurate.  For expert advice on BPS 2019 do not hesitate to contact a member of our agricultural team on 01423 860322.