Round 3 of the Countryside Productivity Small Grants Scheme (CPSG) is now open with up to £25 million funding to help farmers improve their efficiency and benefit the environment. Applications are open until 4th November 2020. This round allows applications for grants of between £3,000 and £12,000 to buy new and “innovative” equipment – such as livestock monitoring cameras through to precision farming technology – to help save time and money and so improve productivity.

Crucially, successful claimants under previous rounds of this scheme are able to apply for different items of equipment up to the scheme’s limit of £12,000 per farmer. The Agriculture Bill, now nearing Royal Assent, gives authority for the government to provide financial assistance to support farmers’ investment in equipment, technology and infrastructure that will aid their productivity or deliver environmental and other public benefits. We currently expect initial information about this in November.

To take advantage of our fixed fee grant application of £185 + VAT, do not hesitate to contact Andrew Hardcastle, Will Foyle, Catherine Johnston or Katie Fall on 01423 860322.