We understand that the RPA is still working on a practical solution to the issues being experienced by the Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme, where applicants are struggling to obtain cattle and sheep handling items within the 150 day limit (in most cases 24th September 2018). One proposal put forward is that applicants may be permitted to purchase the affected item within the 150 days allowed instead and be reimbursed once the item is delivered on site (provided there is a receipted invoice showing the item has been paid for within the 150 day limit).

This is only a proposed approach and is being considered by the DEFRA legal team this week as a matter of urgency. We hope to have further information in the next few days and will be in touch with the applicants for whom we submitted applications, at this stage the advice from the RPA in the interim is that affected applicants should not withdraw.

As yet there is no date from DEFRA for the next round of applications, however, if they remain committed to a further 3 rounds, one assumes a new round has to open soon.  To take advantage of our 100% success rate for recent RDPE grants do not hesitate to contact our Agricultural Team on 01423 860322.