The much anticipated Round 2 of Countryside Productivity Small Grants scheme finally opened on Tuesday this week. Applications must be submitted by midday, the 3rd September 2019. Applicants should receive verification of their eligibility before the end of September 2019 as a Grant Funding Agreement, this allows successful applicants to purchase the grant-funded equipment in full and place their claims before the end of February 2020.

Are you eligible?

Every successful applicant can receive up to £12,000 in funding, however, a minimum of £3,000 in funding must also be received, meaning the applicant must spend a minimum of £7,500.

An applicant who successfully received between £3,000 and £9,000 under Round 1 will be eligible to receive a further £3,000 grant in Round 2. This is provided they did not receive over £9,000 in Round 1, as they will not meet the minimum threshold of £3,000 for Round 2.

Make sure:

You have not ordered or purchased item(s) before your Grant Funding Agreement is received.

Check the specifications of the item(s) you intend to order is in accordance with the grant schemes handbook!

Invoices must include: a full and separate description of each individual item, manufacturers make and model of the item, the relevant item code from the handbook, the same address on the invoice as on the Grant Funding Agreement and the suppliers name, address, VAT number and date.

Photographs of the item(s), detailing its specification make and model, on farm – not at the suppliers!

What to do now…

Read through Annex 3 of the Countryside Productivity Small Grants scheme handbook to find the eligible item(s) you want.

Then, contact our rural team in the Knaresborough office on 01423 860322 to receive support with your application.