Cross Compliance bans the cutting or trimming of hedges (or trees) between 1st March and 31st August 2019 (inclusive) to protect birdlife. However, if oilseed rape or temporary grassland will be sown during August 2019 a derogation from this requirement can be applied for to allow any hedges or trees on those land parcels to be cut/trimmed from the 1st of August. Permission must be received from the Rural Payments Agency in writing before any trimming or cutting takes place, to avoid possible BPS penalties. This derogation should be applied for as early as possible so that this written permission has been received from the RPA before the work is done. To apply for this derogation either email ( or write to the RPA. Include ‘Cross compliance derogation’ as the subject heading, give the land parcel reference numbers for the affected fields, the SBI and provide all available evidence. Should you require any further specialist advice do not hesitate to contact a member of our specialist Agricultural Team on 01423 860322.