Defra have released details about the launch of the second Farming Transformation Fund (FTF) theme which covers Improving Farm Productivity.

They have recognised that farmers and land managers would have liked more time to prepare before the launch of the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) and the Water Management theme of the FTF in November, after being delayed. Therefore, they have announced that the Improving Farm Productivity theme of the FTF will launch in January. They have also published a manual so that options can be considered, and a choice can be made in a timely way. Farming Transformation Fund Improving Farm Productivity grant manual – Guidance – GOV.UK (

This grant will pay for capital items to improve farm and horticulture productivity through the use of robotic or autonomous equipment and systems to aid crop and livestock production and the installation of slurry acidification equipment.

If this grant is of interest and you would like advice, then please contact Catherine Johnston or the rural team on 01423 860322.