The long- awaited Farming Investment Fund opened on 16th November 2021.

This is made up of two separate funds:- The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (for grants between £2,000 and £25,000) and The Farming Transformation Fund (for grants between £35,000 and £500,000). These take the place of the previous Countryside Productivity Grant Schemes that were funded by the EU.

Farming Equipment and Technology Fund

This fund provides grants towards the cost of equipment and technology that are set on a list in Annex Three of the Manual ( Annex 3 – Eligible Items – specification and grant amount – Farming Equipment and Technology Fund: Round 1 manual – Guidance – GOV.UK ( There has been an increase in items on the list from 85 to 120 and contractors are now eligible to apply. Additionally, if there is difficulty in purchasing any particular item out of a number of different ones, it will be allowed to be removed from the scheme as long as the grant remains above £2,000 overall. The deadline for applications is 7th January 2022.

Farming Transformation Fund

This fund provides grants towards large capital items to help businesses improve productivity and the water management theme opens on 16th November. This is dedicated to arable and horticultural businesses growing irrigated food crops, ornamentals or forestry nurseries. Further themes for Improving Farm Productivity and Adding Value grants will follow in the next few months. The process involves an online eligibility check before 12th January with a full application by 30th June 2022.

If you are interested in these funds, then please contact our Rural Team on 01423 860322 and we will be happy to help.