The Yorkshire Dales LEADER Programme has this week sent out a call for more applications as it approaches the final year of its programme.  Here at Lister Haigh we have had a steady flow of applications since the launch of the programme and are pleased to be able to still boast about our 100% success rate.  Applications have varied from LED lighting in livestock buildings and mobile handling systems, through to state of the art robotic milking systems and large scale farm diversification activities. 

As it approaches the final year of the scheme our understanding is that funds are still available.  If you are planning substantial investment into a change in farm policy, diversification activity, forestry works or a new tourism activity within the Yorkshire Dales, then do not hesitate to contact Andrew Hardcastle or Will Foyle on 01423 860322 to see if a 40% grant may be available to you!!

* Lister Haigh have had 100% success over the last 10 years in obtaining offers for Grant Schemes for farm diversification and farm improvements schemes.