Here are some key dates in July and August to make note of in your agricultural calendar:-

10 July                  Deadline to make amendments to Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) applications with penalty.

10 July                  Deadline to make amendments to a Countryside Stewardship (CSS), Environmental Stewardship and woodland legacy revenue payments claim with penalty.

31st July                Deadline for CSS applications with a 1st January 2021 start date, or deadline to request an extension to the 31st August for Covid-19 related reasons.

1 August              With a derogation from the Rural Payments Agency (RPA), hedges can be cut or trimmed throughout August to sow oilseed rape or temporary grassland.

1 August              Start of the closed period for applying organic manure with a high, readily available nitrogen content to tillage land on shallow or sandy soils for those located in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ).

                             This is except for where crops will be sown on or before 15 September.

31st August          Deadline (with permission from the RPA) for CSS applications with a 1st January 2021 start date.

If you would have any queries or would like assistance with any of the above, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our Agricultural Team on 01423 860322.