As we enter metrological Autumn and thoughts turn to cultivations, drilling and tupping time, we set out below a summary of some key dates to help you remain fully compliant with current rules and regulations:

1 September:        You can cut or trim hedges and trees from this date. (GAEC* 7a and 7c)
1 September:        Start of closed period for applying organic manure with a high, readily available nitrogen content (for example, slurry, poultry manures or liquid digested sewage sludge) to grassland on shallow or sandy soils. (SMR** 1)
1 September:        Start of closed period for applying manufactured nitrogen fertilisers to tillage land. (SMR 1)
15 September:     Start of closed period for applying manufactured nitrogen fertilisers to grassland. (SMR 1)
16 September:     Start of closed period for applying organic manure with a high readily available nitrogen content (for example, slurry, poultry manures or liquid digested sewage sludge) to tillage land on shallow or sandy soils which have been sown with crops on or before 15 September. (SMR 1)