From the 6th April a number of changes to permitted development rights will come into effect.

You will be allowed to put up a larger agricultural building of up to 1,000sq m rather than 465sq m under the amended permitted development rights. This will be a significant saving in fees payable to the Local Planning Authority of up to as much as £3,600 where it would otherwise have been dealt with through full planning.

The changes will also affect the conversion of agricultural buildings to residential buildings. The amendments allow for:

• Up to 3 larger homes to a maximum of 465sq m; or
• Up to 5 smaller homes each to a maximum of 100sq m; or
• A mix of both to a total of 5 homes, of which no more than 3 can be larger homes.

This replaces the previous rights for up to 3 dwellings to a maximum of 450sq m.

The temporary right to convert storage and distribution buildings to residential use will be given a year extension until 10th June 2019.

If you have any planning enquiries or would like advice, then please contact either Giles Chaplin or Zoe Harrison on 01423 860322.