From the 2nd April 2018 a new set of rules are being introduced to comply with the EU Water Framework Directive and will be enforced by the Environment Agency.

These new rules set a baseline of good practice across agriculture covering the use of manures & fertilisers to protect soils and water quality. There are 8 rules:
1. Planning use of manures and fertilisers
2. Storage of organic manures
3. Applying manure and fertilisers
4. Where not to apply manures
5. Where not to apply fertilisers
6. Reasonable precautions to prevent soil erosion
7. Protecting against soil erosion by livestock
8. Position of livestock feeders

Most of the requirements replace existing Cross Compliance requirements however there are 3 new requirements under the rules:
a. The requirement to soil test every 5 years
b. The introduction of nutrient planning for farms outside designated NVZ’s
c. Limitations on where livestock feeders can be placed.

To discuss how these New Rules for Water may affect you and to ensure you are compliant with the rules and record keeping contact a member of our Agricultural team on 01423 860322