Natural England has recently launched a new standalone grant for the restoration of traditional farm buildings in The Yorkshire Dales National Park and a number of other National Parks across the country.  The grant which works on a first come first served basis (subject to eligibility, panel review and passing a threshold score) targets “non-residential buildings constructed with traditional methods and materials and built in or before 1940 in a characteristic local, vernacular or ‘designed’ architectural style”.  The buildings must be used for their original or a related purpose ie. Storage of animals, crops and machinery and must still have at least 50% of the building still intact.

The grant intervention rate is 80% of eligible costs, grants of more than £50,000 will require business viability endorsement from a Chartered Accountant. The scope of works on offer are extensive, but, generally speaking must be using traditional methods to restore the building on a like for like basis.  A minimum restoration specification and further guidance on eligible costs are detailed in the scheme handbook.  Lister Haigh holds a 100% success rate in applications for RDPE grants* and are able to offer specialist advice and assistance, do not hesitate to contact Andrew Hardcastle, Will Foyle or Zoe Harrison today on 01423 860322.

*100% Success rate on RDPE grants where applicants have met the scheme criteria