New powers have been announced that will introduce a new “permission in principle” route for smaller housing schemes across England.
The legislation, which was first introduced in 2016, provided limited powers to fast-track application sites that were designated by a local planning authority, a housing site allocation in the local plan, or were on the brownfield land register.

From the 1st June, any site can be considered for PIP for minor developments of up to nine homes and under 1,000m2 of commercial floor space on a site of 1ha or less (there are some exclusions to this).

The Council has five weeks to approve or reject an application for PIP. It also comes with cheaper application fees at £402 per 0.1 hectare of the site area. If PIP is granted, full consent can be achieved through a Technical Details Consent (TDC) application.

This new route should help landowners understand if residential development will be possible without incurring significant expense and offers a quicker response than the pre-application route.

If you have any planning enquiries or would like advice, then please contact either Giles Chaplin or Zoe Harrison on 01423 860322.