Here at Lister Haigh our current mind-set is primarily focused towards the Basic Payment Scheme Deadline of 15th May, with over 1.6 Million land parcels having being re-mapped this year our agricultural team is certainly being kept busy.

Another important deadline not to be missed is the 8th May 2018, this being the deadline for DEFRA’s Brexit Policy Consultation.  During a number of our BPS meetings in 2018 we have often being asked the question “so what do you think will replace the Basic Payment Scheme?”, whilst we can make some reasoned assumptions and offer our opinion on what may and may not work the reality is the future is in your hands!  We strongly encourage all farmers, professional advisers and anybody linked to rural communities to complete the Brexit Policy Consultation before the 8th May deadline.  We have ensured a number of our team have submitted their response and offered their reasoned views on the three sections to include; 1) Moving away from the Common Agricultural Policy, 2) Implementing a new Agricultural Policy, and, 3) Policy Framework. 

The online submission will take up to an hour to complete, we appreciate given the late spring that time is now more precious than ever, and, finding time in the office is hard enough already but this is your chance to Have Your Say!  The online consultation can be found at