If you have woodland already, if you have created woodland using the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) Woodland Creation Grant or if you have created woodland using other grant schemes available from the Woodland Trust for example, then you may be eligible to apply for the Woodland Maintenance Plan Grant.

The RPA offer this grant to help with developing objectives and proposals for the woodland. The plan will also demonstrate how the woodland will be monitored and managed sustainably. The plan cannot be used for planning application fees or meeting legal requirements such as planning conditions.

Woodland is an area of land over 0.5 Ha with an average width of 20m. The total woodland area included under the management grant must extend to at least 3 Ha. The plan will fund:-

  • £1,000 for 3 – 50 Ha,
  • £1,000 plus £20/ Ha between 51 – 100 Ha, and
  • £2,000 plus £10/ Ha over 100 Ha.

Applications are rolling, you can apply anytime throughout the year but it is advised that you speak with the Forestry Commission to acquire advice regarding the management prior to applying. If you wish to discuss this matter further, please speak with a member of our Agricultural Team on 01423 860322.