Compensation Claims

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High Speed 2 (HS2)

High Speed 2 (HS2) is the proposed high-speed railway between London and the Midlands, the North of England and potentially, at a later stage, the central belt of Scotland. People who own property near such a scheme, but do not have land taken for it, may be able to substantiate a claim resulting from the depreciation in the value of their property because of the unpleasant effects of noise, vibration, smell, fumes and smoke which arise from using the new railway and adjoining infastructure. Claims can also be made should artificial lighting be intrusive.

Further information or if you may have land taken for the scheme

For more information please click more information. or if you own a property near to the preferred route and are concerned that the latest route may impact your property, then for professional advice please contact our Knaresborough Office on 01423 860322.

Compulsory Purchase & Pipelines

Have you been contacted about the compulsory purchase of property you own or occupy?

Lister Haigh have a dedicated team of professionals who are able to offer advice on all aspects of compensation to both owners and occupiers of property affected by compulsory purchase.

Compulsory Purchase is a specialist area which requires expert advice from an early stage. Our professional team can provide advice to affected parties to ensure works are completed with minimal disruption and negotiate compensation for loss or damage to the claimants property together with disturbance matters. Lister Haigh have a wealth of experience in representing customers in situations involving road schemes, pipelines, cables, pylons together with easements and wayleaves.

Part I Claims

Do you own property near a new road, or road improvement scheme?

People who own property near such a scheme may be able to substantiate a claim resulting from the depreciation in the value of their property because of the unpleasant effects of noise, vibration, smell, fumes and smoke which arise from traffic using the new road and adjoining sections of altered highway. Claims can also be made should artificial lighting, including car headlights be intrusive. You must have owned the property at the time road alterations were completed in order to be eligible to claim.

At Lister Haigh, we have been dealing with compensation claims for the depreciation in value of property since claims of this type became admissible in 1973. Under the Land Compensation Act 1973 our fees for successfully claiming and negotiating compensation for you will be paid by the Highway Authority responsible for the works.

For more information or if you think you have been affected by a scheme please contact John Haigh at our Knaresborough Office on 01423 860322.

Note: We will not accept instruction for work currently in hand and for which another professional advisor has already been retained until we are satisfied that previous instructions have been terminated. If this was not done you could be liable to pay fees to both professional advisors of which the Highways Authority would only pay one.