Highways England has confirmed it is considering several options to improve the Hopgrove roundabout and to create a dual carriageway east to Barton Hill. These options are currently going through a rigorous consultation process with regional stakeholders and the public.

The process is expected to take about a year before a final proposal will be submitted to the Department of Transport for consideration alongside 32 schemes across the country.

In the meantime, Highways England intend to invest £8 million to improve the A64 in Yorkshire over the coming financial year. The measures are due to be complete by March 2022 and they include drainage works, safety improvements, replacement fencing and resurfacing.

It is important that Landowners and tenants enter an early dialogue with Highways England to highlight key issues for the affected parties which can be considered at the design stage of the scheme. If you think you might be affected and need advice, Lister Haigh is experienced at representing the interests of landowners and tenants affected by plans to alter the road network and works to utility company infrastructure. We can provide advice as to how to protect your retained land and submit claims for compensation.

Please contact Vicki Lamb or Alice Foster in the Boroughbridge office on 01423 322382 to discuss the A64 improvements further.