As many of you may be aware that the ring road around York is under construction to improve the 7 roundabouts. City of York Council allocated £38 million to the upgrading fund, the main reason of the works was to dilute the congestion around York. Now the council have just received the funds and the go ahead from the secretary of transport Grant Shapps to dual the A1237 around the northern section of the ring road between where the A19 meets the A1237 then around to the roundabout where the A1237 to the merges into the A64. The dualling plans have only just come into public domain at the end of last week. The expansion of the road is down to the amount of traffic using the A1237 each day in peak times. The start date for the scheme has not been released yet.

We can help make sure that you get compensation for the disturbance as long as physical factors are present such as noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke and artificial lighting and the discharge on to the property of any solid or liquid substance from the scheme. Please if you are going to be affected by this scheme don’t hesitate to get in touch.