City of York Council secured funding sometime ago to upgrade the remaining roundabouts on the A1237 -north York outer ring road and they are currently consulting the public on the design of the Wigginton and Haxby road junctions. In addition we can also report that the Council has applied for funding to dual the section between A19 and Hopgrove roundabout. 
The Council representatives are confident they will be awarded funding, and as such, have instructed their valuers to enter into negotiations to acquire the land needed to widen the existing corridor to make it a dual carriageway. Our specialist team of Valuers, who have many years of experience acting for and advising clients faced with the forced sale of their land for such road improvements, are already representing for a number of landowners affected by the scheme. If you have land or property which you suspect may be adversely affected by the proposed scheme, contact Vicki Lamb on 01423 322382 or Will Foyle on 01423 860322 to discuss.