Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is very much the here, now and future of land and rural property development and diversification. It has also become law contained within the Environment Act requiring all development schemes to deliver a mandatory 10% biodiversity net gain for a period of at least 30 years.

In short, schemes should leave biodiversity in a better state than before. Rather than being a negative burden and extra planning gain, we see this as a significant opportunity. Whilst some historic sites will no longer be suitable for development, there will be others that hadn’t previously been considered and so now is the time to reappraise all opportunities.

Likely opportunities will include land that has the potential to include significantly larger areas for tree planting, solar panels farms, battery storage of electricity, nitrate neutrality, water positive (betterment) hydrogen generation and storage amongst other things.

We are currently working with a number of leading edge and new operators that are populating this opportunity and now active in our part of Yorkshire, enabling land value enhancement in a way that has never been achieved.

If you’d like to find out more, please contact Lister Haigh’s Development team for further information or to discuss your own sites. Call Peter Vernon or Giles Chaplin on 01423 860322.