Harrogate Borough Council are holding a six week consultation on their draft CIL Charging Schedule until 6th July 2018. Once implemented, this will require certain types of development to pay a financial levy. This fund will then go towards local infrastructure projects as determined by the Council.

As it is currently proposed, the CIL Charging Schedule will have a big impact on the majority of small residential sites across the district. The proposed rate for sites like this are £50/sq. m. If we take an example of a scheme comprised of 5 detached dwellings with a combined floor space of 1,000 sq. m, the contribution would be £50,000 – a significant sum to pay when considering the viability of these schemes.

We at Lister Haigh have submitted a representation to the Council to make our views known in order to protect the present and future interest of our clients. If you have potential development land or would like to know how to make the best of your site then please get in touch with our Development Team on 01423 860322.