Last week two applications were given consent from Harrogate Borough Council’s planning committee on our clients’ land.

The first of these applications which was submitted by Jack Lunn (Properties) Ltd sought planning permission to erect 18 dwellings within the village Ferrensby. Despite the site not being a draft allocation within Harrogate’s Local Plan Submission for examination later this year, the proposal’s merits tipped the balance in favour of a planning consent.

The second application was submitted by Harron Homes for reserved matters relating to an outline permission to erect 75 dwellings at Killinghall. It was concluded that the details submitted would not generate adverse harm that could outweigh the benefits of the development going ahead.

This was a great success and if you would like to explore the development potential of your land then please do not hesitate to contact one of our development team at 01423 860322.