Countryside Stewardship Mid-Tier Agreements

Description– alongside the existing Higher Tier Scheme and Mid-Tier Scheme, 2019 continues with the four streamlined offers of Arable, Lowland, Mixed and Upland. A range of 5 year agreements are on offer to include both revenue and capital items.  These schemes are most likely to appeal to those whose existing Stewardship agreements have come to an end.

Eligibility– Farmers registered with the Rural Payments Agency with land not currently in a multi-year Stewardship agreement.

Expected Deadline- 31ST MAY 2019 (FOR APPLICATION PACKS) 31ST JULY 2019 (TO SUBMIT)

Water Capital Grants

Description– either as part of a 5 year Mid-Tier agreement or a standalone 2 year scheme, grants are available for clean and dirty water separation, concreting works, watercourse fencing, gutters and downpipes.  Claimants must be in a designated high priority area and some items require the endorsement of a Catchment Sensitive Farming Officer (CSFO).  The maximum claim as a standalone claim is set at £10,000 but is unlimited as part of a 5 Year Mid-Tier agreement (see above) subject to having obtained planning consent where required.

Eligibility– Farmers registered with the Rural Payments Agency with land not currently in a multi-year stewardship agreement.

Expected Deadline- 31ST MAY 2019 (FOR APPLICATION PACKS & CSFO Endorsement) 31st JULY 2019 (TO SUBMIT)