Gardens and yards play a very important part in the saleability of a property.

If your garden is the last thing on your mind when it comes to property maintenance or you regard it as a dreaded chore, then a change of mindset is essential particularly if you’re planning to sell up. A great garden, beautiful back yard or a blossoming balcony really do play an important part in winning buyers.

The first observation is that if you don’t look after your garden, buyers will assume you don’t look after your house either. A lovely well-maintained garden is a selling point.

Don’t make it too complicated though as some buyers may see it as a burden if they aren’t keen gardeners or don’t have time for maintenance work.

The orientation of a garden also plays a part in selling. South or south west facing is the optimum as this gives you the best chance of sun throughout the day and into the early evening. A north-facing garden means shade for a larger part of the day.

Size matters too. A big house with a small garden will restrict appeal and a small house with a big garden is a gardener’s dream but could be someone else’s maintenance nightmare.

For those who have a dismal back yard or ‘courtyard garden’ as sometimes described by agents, making an effort can make all the difference in selling.

I’ve seen a back yard transformed with timber cladding on the walls so softening the look. The owner laid flags over the concrete and added bench seating with some lovely planted pots. It looked picturesque and added to the overall desirability of the property. Also, plastic plant pots are a no-no if you want to impress. Utilitarian terracotta or decorative ceramic pots are a must.

A warning too that while the industrial look is fashionable right now it usually only suits urban gardens.

A final word of advice. Ignore the garden at your peril if you are buying or selling a property. Gardens matter more than you think.

Tim Waring

Head of Residential