In 1991 the Government launched their new Council Tax system which required every property to be given a valuation band. Under time pressures, many homes were valued based on limited information. This resulted in properties being placed in the wrong council tax bands, particularly farmhouses and isolated dwellings in the countryside. In response, the Valuation Office Agency set up an appeal process in England whereby you can check and challenge your council tax band.

At Lister Haigh we regularly assess the council tax banding of properties and if we feel the banding is wrong we have the expertise to make an appeal on your behalf. If your banding is reduced, not only will you pay less council tax this year but repayments are backdated to when you moved in to the property as far back as 1st April 1993.

If you think your council tax band is wrong or would like a second opinion then please contact Zoe Harrison at our Knaresborough office on 01423 860322 or alternatively email us at